North Hertfordshire Museum

Next door to Hitchin Town Hall in Brand Street, Hitchin

From geological times to the present

North Hertfordshire Museum is a local authority museum that aims to increase the understanding and enjoyment of the culture, heritage and environment of North Hertfordshire, using the museum collections to tell the stories of the people who have lived and worked here. The museum explores the history of the area from geological times to the present day, and holds art and social history collections from around the world.

Courtesy of North Hertfordshire Museum

Museum Trainee

Freya Purcell

Freya was the Curatorial Trainee with North Hertfordshire Museum. Trained in the history of design, she has always been interested in looking at how material history can be used to explore social history and place. She completed her Traineeship in November 2022 and is hoping to pursue a career in curation.